Composition : Azadirachta indica (Neem) 400mg +Rubia codifolia (manjeeth) 400mg +Berberis aristata (daruhaldi) 200mg +Acacia catachu(khadir)200mg+Swerita chriata (Chiralta) 200mg +Tinospera Carddifolla (Guduchi)300mg +Fumeria officinalls (Pitpapra) 200mg +Androgrfaphics panicutata (Kalmegh) 200mg +Embelica officinales (Amla)200mg +Terminalla chebula (Harad) 200mg +Curcuma longo (Haldi) 100mg + Aloebarbendis (Ghritkumari) 100mg (USEFUL IN BLOOD PURIFIER) / 200ml (Pet bottle)
Indication : The plant is used traditionally in Indian system of medicine as an antibacterial, antiperiodic, antidiarrheal and anticancer and it is also used in the treatment of ophthalmic infections. Its root, stem and leaves also find their use in treatment of various ailments and hence is used extensively in Ayurveda.