Composition : Boerhavia diffusa (Punarnava)50mg +Amoum Subulatum peniculata roxb (Badi Elachi) 50mg + Crataeva nurvala (varun Chhal) 50mg +Dolichos biflours (kulthi) 50mg +Tribulus terrestris (Gokhru) 50mg +Bergenia ciliata (Pashan bhed) 50mg+Hedychium spicatum (kapur kachri) 300mg +Mimosa pudica(Lazwanti) 200mg +Butea trondosa (Plash) 200mg Syrup (USEFUL IN ALL TYPE OF STONES) / 200ml (Pet bottle)
Indication : Punarnava is mainly used to treat accumulation of fluids (Oedematous conditions) in the body. It is considered to be an effective “Rasayana”. It is also used in the treatment of anemia and liver diseases as recommended by Indian Ayurveda.